Rick Scott Calls On Olympic Committee To Do The Right Thing
On February 2nd, 2021 Senator Rick Scott called for the Olympic committee to move the 2022 Winter Olympics out of China. Initially, I assumed this was in response to the Corona Virus pandemic in which case I would have completely disagreed and I would have thought that it was an incredibly Xenophobic idea.
However, upon doing my own investigating I see it is due to the continuous violations of human rights that the Chinese government is committing. The Chinese government is running concentration camps and oppressing the people of China. Given these facts, I do side with Senator Rick Scott: a country that violates its citizen’s human rights and is actively running concentration camps should not be a country that benefits from hosting the Olympics.

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott’s Resolution To Move 2022 Winter Olympics Shines A Light On China’s Human Rights Violations
The Chinese government has citizens locked in concentration camps and is actively trying to strip them of their culture and religion. By not following Rick Scott suggestion to move the location of the Olympics, the committee is showing the world that they are perfectly content with turning a blind eye to the pain and suffering of so many. It is also showing China that it does not matter what they do, we will still funnel their money and support through the Olympics.
Allowing the Chinese government to host the Olympics would be giving them a platform to show how they are disrespecting their minority groups, other cultures, and religions. The Olympics are a huge tourism boost for whichever country hosts them, but by allowing China to host the games, we are actively supporting an economy that is funneling its money into concentration camps. Until China stops violating human rights I don’t believe we should allow them to host the Olympics so we can avoid providing support to their economy and their actions.

A great way for many of us to get involved and speak up for human rights would be to write to our local senator telling them our concerns for the Olympic games being held in China. Hopefully, more will follow the good example set by Rick Scott.